Momgevity: Redefining Wellness for a Healthy, Vibrant Future

You may have been following along my journey to transform my body composition via my wellness routine. This has come from a firm belief that I don't have to accept "hormone changes", "middle age", or "it's just part of the aging process" with how I look and feel. And turns out a lot of the research supports that we can still build muscle in our 40s, 50s, and beyond, we can still lose fat, we have the power to help our metabolism and balance our hormone fluctuations with food and simple supplements, and we can look & feel our best as we head into the upper echelon of our life.
My grandmother was a lovely woman and we were super close. She lived well into her 90's despite being a smoker for 60+ years and never missing an evening cocktail so she either complimented her vices with many things right or just got lucky with her longevity. However, as long as I can remember, she carried a handicapped mirror hanger for her car, couldn't walk the stairs (she even had an elevator installed in her own home), and before anyone she encountered could ask her name, she would declare "I have artificial knees." These artificial knees, aka knee replacements, despite working perfectly, in her mind, handicapped her. And so she declared herself handicapped and lived her life accordingly for DECADES!
Nowadays, it's almost a given that some joint will need to be replaced at some point, not to handicap us, but rather so that we can return to all the activities we want to enjoy. Same procedure, same technology, different mindset.
As a chronic fad dieter, always striving for something more bathing suit beautiful and never fully satisfied with the outcome, I am finding the need to shift my mindset. I AM middle-aged. I've carried multiple pregnancies to term, delivering 9-pound babies. And I'm NOT Giselle (😤). So my focus should not be entry to the Victoria’s Secret Angel catwalk; my focus should be on preventing the handicapped mirror hanger, the in-home elevator, and the "hi my name is Dana, and I have artificial knees" way of living. My focus is aging as healthfully as possible, lengthening my lifespan while ensuring that every day I sip in the fresh air on this planet I am healthy and well. I want to die well.
To support a mindset shift away from fad diets and a bikini body (aren't one-pieces sexy anyway?) I have found it helpful to identify a "why". Why do I want to be healthy? Why do I want to live a long life? Why do I want to die well? The answer, for me, is simple: my kids. So I've shifted my mindset on my body composition challenge from health and aesthetics to Momgevity. I want to be able to ski with my children as adults, play golf, and pickleball, take their kids to Disneyland, travel with them, climb mountains, heck maybe we will swim the English Channel together (😂 that one was for effect- too many jellyfish). My motivation is to enjoy life with my kids and their kids, and their kids' kids as mentally and physically well as possible. If a bikini body comes along with it and Sports Illustrated knocks on my door for the swimsuit issue (like my gurl Martha 🤩) well that's icing on the cake. Aesthetics are no longer the sole driver, for me, it's a mission for Momgevity. Thus far, it seems to be a healthier goal with more effective motivation.
What is the "why" behind your quest for health and wellness? Do you want to die well? How do you plan to do it? Please share!
Here's to Momgevity, Partner or Petgevity, OR I'm a g'damn cheetah, it’s all for Megevity! 🐆
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