Electrolytes 101: The Key to Hydration and Health

Did you know 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated (1)? But here’s the thing: water alone won’t solve the problem. Proper hydration requires minerals, also known as electrolytes. Think of electrolytes as the carriers that transport water exactly where it needs to go—into your cells.
As busy humans, we face mineral depletion daily. This comes from reduced minerals in our food due to soil changes, stress (which drains mineral stores), and increased demand from sweating, medications, breastfeeding, and pregnancy.
In today’s world, where we grew up with Gatorade as the go-to for electrolytes, it's time for a swap—one that's cleaner, better for you, and truly makes a positive shift in your hydration (and much more). Thankfully, Free Living Co. has made the clean options easy to find and accessible!
Let’s dive into all things electrolytes and why I’m so excited about them as a dietitian!
What to Look for in an Electrolyte: The Importance of Macro Minerals
When it comes to understanding what an electrolyte should be made up of I always start with the most important- Macro Minerals: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium.
Now, when we think of sodium I know some people get fearful, that hey isn’t salt bad? Well, not all salt is created equal, and it’s how you consume it that matters. It helps regulate blood pressure with potassium and maintains fluid balance. It even aids in stomach acid production which is essential for proper digestion of foods (belching, bloating, gut issues may indicate low stomach acid). Ideally, sodium comes from real sea salt sources.
Next Macro Mineral is potassium. Potassium can improve carb tolerance and blood sugar response. It also maintains fluid balance (can help if you are puffy/swollen) and allows water into the cells for hydration (that’s cellular hydration!). It helps regulate blood pressure and supports nerve conduction that impacts the heart and the gut. Research has even found potassium supplementation a successful tool in reducing elevated blood pressure (2). Note, potassium and sodium ratios do matter (more on that later)!
Fun fact: If you lack the urge to have bowel movement this can be a sign that you are low in potassium!
Many people only associate calcium with strong healthy bones, however, this mineral does much more. Calcium influences digestion and gut function thus impacting your bowel movements and bloating. It also helps with muscle contractions, impacts insulin sensitivity which could help better control your blood sugars and potentially help reduce that 2 PM work day crash!
Lastly we have one of the most mighty Macro Minerals: Magnesium. This is an amazing mineral that almost everyone is lacking! This is often a mineral that you will need to supplement as it is hard to get enough through diet alone. Magnesium impacts insulin sensitivity and helps reduce insulin resistance. It aids in gut and digestion function, muscle relaxation (think cramping), relaxes the nervous system (goodbye anxiety) and helps with detoxification. It also can help you get a better night sleep with its calming effects!
As you can see minerals that make up electrolytes play a big role in various aspects of our health. From digestion, energy levels, to blood pressure regulation and blood sugar management. Electrolytes, such as Just Ingredients carried by Free Living Co. are a fantastic way to replenish our mineral stores on a daily basis!
How to pick the Right Electrolyte
When choosing an electrolyte, it's important to understand the delicate balance between sodium and potassium. Sodium tends to raise blood pressure, while potassium helps lower it, so pairing them is needed for proper regulation and hydration.
We all have unique needs based on our goals, activity levels, and mineral depletion. For general support, a 3:1 potassium-to-sodium ratio, like the Just Ingredients brand electrolytes carried through Free Living Co., is well-tolerated. If you're sensitive to sodium, need blood pressure regulation, have cardiovascular concerns, or consume a high-sodium diet, this ratio can help rebalance electrolytes and improve hydration from within.
Some alternative brands, such as Re-Lyte, have a higher sodium-to-potassium ratio. This is ideal for individuals engaged in high-intensity, sweat-heavy activities, high minerals depletion, or those who lose sodium quickly, such as individuals with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome).
In addition to the potassium-to-sodium ratio, it's essential to ensure that the ingredients in your electrolyte supplement are clean and high-quality, with little to no added sugar. For example, Just Ingredients electrolytes carried by Free Living Co. are made with real fruit, contain no added sugar or artificial ingredients, and are packed with the essential macrominerals needed for proper hydration.
That’s pretty incredible, it’s clean, delicious, and will help rehydrate your body while supporting much more!
When to incorporate electrolytes?
For replenishing hydration, I recommend having 1-3 electrolyte drinks per day. With Just Ingredients electrolytes, you can safely incorporate up to three servings daily without concerns of excess sodium intake or sugar intake.
The timing for electrolytes can vary based on your goals and needs. I often suggest starting your morning, before caffeine, with an electrolyte drink to jumpstart your day with proper hydration. The other optimal times to add in electrolytes are after physical activity and during an afternoon energy slump (trust me you won’t need that second cup of coffee)!
As a dietitian, I’m a big fan of electrolytes because they rehydrate at the cellular level, support gut health, and boost long-lasting energy. The quality of your electrolyte matters, which is why I’m a huge fan of options like Just Ingredients and Re-Lyte carried by Free Living Co. Many of my clients experience improved bowel movements, increased energy, better sleep, and a real sense of hydration. Discover what’s possible when you add electrolytes to your daily routine. Be sure to visit the online store Free Living Co. for the cleanest electrolyte options!
By Elizabeth Arensberg
Elizabeth Arensberg is a gut health dietitian and owner of E. Arensberg Nutrition LLC. She helps individuals with digestive issues repair their gut so they can feel more energized, maintain healthy bowel movements, and experience less stress around food. Find her over on instagram @gratefulgut_nutirtion.
- Taylor K, Tripathi AK, Jones EB. Adult Dehydration. [Updated 2022 Oct 3]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK555956/
- Sriram Sriperumbuduri, Paul Welling, Marcel Ruzicka, Gregory L Hundemer, Swapnil Hiremath, Potassium and Hypertension: A State-of-the-Art Review, American Journal of Hypertension, Volume 37, Issue 2, February 2024, Pages 91–100, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajh/hpad094
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