Body Composition Transformation: Step 1 - Nutrition for Longevity

You may have read about my humbling declaration that I need to lose body fat and swap around some of my health and wellness habits if I want to live a long and healthy life. You can read that article HERE. I put it out to a vote and all of you who voted declared that you want to know what I'm doing to *attempt* this body composition transformation while I'm doing it (vs. the before and after glimpse). For the first time in my life, I am not using my weight as my driving force rather I am completely focused on my body composition - specifically, drop fat and increase muscle and overall wellness. All the data, all the thought leaders, all the longevity experts agree on maybe only one thing: muscle quality and quantity are directly reflective of how well you age (healthspan) and how long you live (longevity). So here goes my middle-aged-mom-bod attempt to put me on a program with the help of a few expert friends, lots of podcasts, a zillion books, and some basic common sense.
I have decided to keep my plan simple and focus on a few core pillars with 1 or 2 objectives per pillar. Tackling 1 pillar at a time until I feel confident I have put those changes into habit. The goal here is to form permanent lifestyle changes rather than a get-ripped-quick scheme that is too complicated to maintain long-term.

Step 1: Nutrition!
Generally, I eat super healthy, but what I've started to recognize is 1 - I have a nasty and sneaky sugar addiction, and 2 - I am not consuming nearly enough protein to build and maintain HEALTHY muscle. (Great podcast on healthy muscle with Dr. Huberman and Dr. Gabriell Lyon HERE.) I went directly to my friend and expert contributor to Free Living Co, Elizabeth Arensberg, to get guidance on a sugar detox. You'll hear and see more about this very soon, but the high points are as follows:
- Cut the artificial and refined sugars - the white stuff (more addictive than the illegal white stuff FYI)
- Load up on lean protein - 0.8-1g of protein per pound of ideal body weight PER DAY - this is a huge challenge for me - that is A LOT of protein, especially for someone who aims to eat more plant-forward
- Get in some movement after meals or throughout the day, even 10-15 minutes of walking works wonders
- If you are going to have a cheat treat, make sure it is sweetened with something natural like monk fruit, honey, maple syrup, or dates
To set a starting point and be able to gauge my progress I've done a few key things.
- Invest in a body composition scale, food scale, and tape measure. I chose Renpho because it was super reasonable, easy to set up, and all the metrics sync into 1 easy-to-use app that also syncs with health apps on your phone or watch. I hop on the scale every morning (for body fat ⬇️ and muscle ⬆️), calculate most meals (primarily for protein), and measure waist & hips once a week.
- Put on a continuous glucose monitor. This is a wearable that I don't even notice, yet it has helped keep me accountable for sugar cravings. I can see when my glucose dips and I need a protein-forward snack so I don't crave sugar, and also what foods drive a spike in glucose (hint: carbs and sweets). It's also interesting to see what protein does to a carb-heavy meal - it actually steadies blood glucose, and what moderate exercise does after a cheat treat or a glucose spike - it brings that spike right back down! You can get $50 off right HERE. And if you need a little extra nutrition help, you can schedule a consult.
- I joined Function Health to get a baseline of 100 biomarkers. Results are still coming in from my first panel, but I do have a couple of biomarkers out of range, one of which is an autoimmune indicator, that I will need to pay some attention to through lifestyle and supplementation.
So we are off to the races on this body composition transformation challenge. If you want to join me, please do! Step 1 is a focus on nutrition, what are 1-2 key changes you may need to make? More protein? More fiber? Less processed food, sugar, alcohol? It's likely you already know what you need to do, so grab your baseline, commit to 1- 2 nutritional changes and let's gooooo! Tell me about your nutritional changes in the comments below so we can keep each other accountable!
Here's to life less toxic!
Live free,
Contain my protein and fiber intake. Decrease my carbs slightly. Limit mindless eating…eat more mindfully and with presence. Slow down, and chew fully.
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